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  • webasif 7:53 am on 14/07/2011 Permalink |
    Tags: Aerospace and Defense, Air traffic control, , Alternative fuel, , , Flight planning,   



    1.            Flight planning is the process of producing a flight plan to describe a proposed aircraft flight. It involves two safety-critical aspects: fuel calculation, to ensure that the aircraft can safely reach the destination, and compliance with air traffic control requirements, to minimize the risk of mid-air collision. In addition, flight planners normally wish to minimize flight cost by appropriate choice of route, height, and speed, and by loading the minimum necessary fuel on board. Fuel plan should aim maximum achievable cost savings.

    2.            Fuel planning requires accurate weather forecasts so that fuel consumption calculations can account for the fuel consumption effects of head or tail winds and air temperature. Safety regulations require aircraft to carry fuel beyond the minimum needed to fly from origin to destination, allowing for unforeseen circumstances or for diversion to another location if the planned destination becomes unavailable.

    3.            Producing an accurate optimized fuel plan requires a large number of calculations, so commercial flight planning systems make extensive use of computers.

    4.            The basic purpose of a fuel planning is to calculate how much trip fuel is needed in the air navigation process by an aircraft when flying from an origin airport to a destination airport. Aircraft must also carry some reserve fuel to allow for unforeseen circumstances. This means that when the aircraft gets near the destination location, it must still have enough alternate fuel and alternate reserve available to fly on from there to the alternate location. Since the aircraft is not expected at the alternate location, it must also have enough holding fuel to circle for a while while a landing slot is found.

    5.            Rate of fuel burn depends on ambient temperature, aircraft speed, and aircraft altitude, none of which are entirely predictable. Rate of fuel burn also depends on airplane weight, which changes as fuel is burned. The air temperature affects the efficiency/fuel consumption of aircraft engines. The wind may provide a head or tail wind component which in turn will increase or decrease the fuel consumption by increasing or decreasing the air distance to be flown. Note that a large aircraft such as a jumbo jet may burn up to 80 tons of fuel on a 10 hour flight, so there is a substantial weight change during the flight.

    6.            Cruising at a higher flight level generally requires less fuel than at a lower flight level, but extra climb fuel may be needed to get up to the higher flight level.

    7.            When an aircraft which encounters some emergency and has to land straight after taking off may have to circle for a while to use up fuel, or else jettison some fuel, or else land immediately and risk having the undercarriage collapse.

    8.            Aircraft having more than one fuel tank, manufacturer provides rules as to how much fuel to load into each tank so as to avoid affecting the aircraft centre of gravity. Also, the fuel tanks have some maximum capacity. On some occasions, impossible flight plan is requested. The aircraft can’t possibly reach the intended destination, even with no cargo or passengers, since the fuel tanks are just not big enough to hold the amount of fuel needed; it would appear that some missions are over-optimistic at times, perhaps hoping for a (very) strong tailwind.

    9.            Some military aircraft may refuel in mid-air. Such refueling is a gradual process rather than instantaneous. Flight plan should be flexible enough to allow for the change in fuel and show the effect on each aircraft involved.

  • webasif 7:50 am on 14/07/2011 Permalink |
    Tags: , Aerospace and Defense, , , , , , VTOL   

    VTOL Aircraft Concept 


    Four engined, tilting jet VTOL aircraft concept.
    VTOL: Vertical Take-Off and Landing

  • webasif 11:36 pm on 17/06/2011 Permalink |
    Tags: , Aerospace and Defense, , Aircraft and Components, , , ,   

    Description To help people find aircraft of their… 

    Letecké muzeum Kbely (110)

    Image via Wikipedia


    To help people find aircraft of their choice and ask questions.

    Checklist For Buying Used Aircraft For Sale

    If you are thinking about buying a used aircraft for sale, you need to do a lot of thinking for such a decision. This is mainly because buying a used aircraft involves checking of a few finer points which is not required in case of buying completely new aircrafts. You need to ensure that every detail related to the aircraft is perfect or else you will end up not only spending a huge amount of money but also will be in great trouble too.

    One of the foremost things you need to consider when you are thinking about buying a used aircraft for sale is, whether you are choosing the right aircraft. You have to think the reason why you are purchasing the aircraft – do you need to buy the aircraft for your personal use or you need to buy an aircraft for sightseeing purpose. A sightseeing plane is quite different from a single propeller plane. Thus, you need to ensure that the aircraft you are checking out is suitable for your needs or else you will be spending your money on an aircraft which is not as per your use.

    Once you have decided on the type of aircraft you need to buy, you have to begin your search for the perfect aircraft for sale. You can check out the prevailing price of the aircraft from different places. You can get in touch with the local airstrip club which might offer you some great discounts. You can also get in touch with a local broker or a dealer who can provide you some useful information on used aircrafts. Brokers usually have an inventory of several aircrafts – thus, when you get in touch with brokers and agents, your work becomes much easier and your search is also quicker.

    Once you have set your mind on any chosen aircraft for sale, you can check every detail of the aircraft slowly and steadily. You need to start by checking the hull of the aircraft to its base so that you can have a close look at the aircraft. Check for rust in the aircraft, as it is considered to be the top enemy of any aircraft, especially when you are buying used aircraft. If you do not check well, rust can even destroy your aircraft completely. Thus, it is always advisable to check the aircraft for any concealed rust which might exist. Your aircraft might need a fresh coat of paint. You should also check for existing lose parts in any aircraft for sale. Lose parts can be fatal for any kind of aircraft – thus, check if there are any kind of lose parts in the aircraft for sale.

    Do not miss out checking the engine of the aircraft, since every engine has limited hours of flight. You need to ensure that when you are purchasing the aircraft, it has enough hours of flight remaining or else you can deduct it from the price of the aircraft. Once you have ensured all these factors, you will surely make a wise decision.

    Choose An Aircraft That Meets Your Needs

    Choosing the right make and model that is right for you is one of the most important decisions you will face in this process. The aircraft for sale should meet your personal taste and standards and fit into your financial budget. Ask yourself what you will be using this aircraft for. Family vacations? Commuting to work? How many people will need to fit into the aircraft? How many miles per year will your aircraft travel? Making a list of the things that are important to you in an aircraft will help you make your decision.

    Gather all the information you can about the aircraft you are interested in purchasing, including a complete list of specifications, damage and maintenance history, photos, etc. Aircrafts with missing records or major damage may still be great machines, but they are usually worth less. When purchasing an aircraft for sale, the owner/seller should be willing to give you all the information you request. It wouldn’t hurt to do a little of your own research as well.

    When deciding whether you can afford a certain aircraft or not, you also need to take into account the cost of operating and maintaining the aircraft. Once you’ve decided exactly what your budget is and what qualities you are looking for, you can start comparing aircrafts to see which one fits your needs the best.

    The type of insurance and yearly premiums you qualify for will greatly depend on your level of experience as a pilot. Start contacting different insurance companies now to keep you from wasting time later. Talking to an insurance agent now will help you rule out the aircrafts you can’t get insurance for.

    There are so many factors involved in choosing the right type of aircraft for sale. Many buyers choose to enlist the help of a qualified aircraft broker that can save you time and money. In many instances, a buyer will set their eyes on the perfect aircraft, and then have it sold out from under them while they are getting their finances in order. An aircraft broker can help make sure this doesn’t happen to you.

    Get pre-qualified right now! You can get pre-approved over the phone in fifteen minutes, or you can apply online. You are not obligated to use the loan once you’ve been pre-approved, but it will give you peace of mind knowing it’s there if you need it. Most aircraft lenders require 10-15% down with a 10-20 year loan, and they offer a low monthly payment with great repayment terms, including pilot incentives. You could also turn to a local bank to handle your aircraft loans, but they tend to be less experienced in the aircraft industry. If you decide to use a local bank, contact their lending department directly.

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